IT Financial Management
Enterprise Integration
Enterprise Architecture
IT Infrastructure Management
Information Security
Consulting to Tech Start-ups
Life Sciences
With the globalization of centers of technical excellence, innovation never sleeps. Technology evolution is characterized by the sprouting of millions of ideas into seedling IT enterprises that hope to grow into the next hot public company, or at least sell out to an established firm for a price that compensates for the long hours and high risk of losing your (and your investors') capital.
Unfortunately, most such enterprises fail; some because they did not know how to leverage available IT tools and better position their innovations to make them easier to adopt by large enterprise customers. As a CIO for one of the world's largest financial institutions told an entrepreneur, "your product is brilliant, but I couldn't use it, even for free, because it doesn't integrate with my IT infrastructure."
From inception, IT start-ups must consider the integration implications of their products and services for their potential customers (or acquirers).
HHG helps small technology start-ups minimize IT missteps and get the most leverage from the off-the-shelf tools and technologies available from around the world.
“Every one of our financial service prospects' technical staff pointed to the integration architecture approach
HHG created for us as the only one they would consider. We had immediate credibility with the prospects…”
CEO of a defense contractor spin-off start up